feel comfortable and confident in your body, Even In Menopause

Regain Control of your Health in Menopause to Reduce Your Symptoms and Protect Your Health for a Vibrant Future

Shift from feeling uncomfortable, confused and clueless in menopause to feeling symptom free, energized and happy daily.

Enjoy calm, confidence and clarity around your health and nutrition, even as you pass through midlife hormonal change.

It’s easy to feel fearful, helpless and confused in midlife when our hormones start to change. We have not been educated about the many symptoms of menopause and don’t know what is happening to our bodies. Many of us are gaslit by our doctors and find ourselves scouring the internet for information that explains why we feel so achy, exhausted, anxious and at war with our bodies. 

I can’t believe….”How much we have learned and it has literally changed our lives.” Mary

No one ever tells you what to expect when you hit perimenopause, many of us have never heard the word until we hit a wall of exhaustion, unexplained weight gain and random body symptoms in our forties. One minute we are spinning all of the plates in our busy schedule and families and the next we crash into feeling out of control of our bodies, sleep, mood and weight. There is a lot of fear mongering and misinformation out there, health care providers have not been trained in managing menopause, we live in a toxic food culture and the tricks we used in the past such as restricting foods and exercising more do not work for us in midlife hormonal change.

Have you reached this midlife season of transition and change—and worry your health has gotten completely beyond your control. Do you feel…?

💔 As if you are at war with your body

💔 Exhausted! Without caffeine you could not get out of bed in the morning and even though your energy slumps randomly in the day, you cannot sleep at night so wake feeling frazzled, stressed and drained

💔 Emotional. Your moods seem to spike and dip with little warning, and you’ve been feeling blue/enraged/snappy far more often than you’re used to. My God! Why is everyone suddenly so annoying!!!!!

💔 Since when did sitting down make your muscles ache? Getting out of a chair, you feel like an old woman and your shoulders are permanently tense. Is it ageing or menopause?

💔 Unbalanced. From night sweats to funky smells and hot flashes, you feel at least a little bit off kilter pretty much 24/7. From dry skin and nasal drip to gassy bloat and weight gain you can’t put your finger on exactly what’s wrong. You don’t feel like your old self anymore and nothing you used to do in the past is working.

💔 Low confidence. Your body and or weight has been changing, with inches appearing around your middle, seemingly overnight. None of the weight loss tricks that worked for you in the past will shift this weight gain. (I’ve been there!)

Is this you?

You feel like a stranger in your own skin, not like yourself at all. You can’t help but wonder… Is this it? Is it all downhill from here? Is this what I have to look forward to, for the rest of my life??

You have the power in your hands and on your plate to

Breathe! You are not broken or falling apart in midlife, Your body is talking to you all of the time and the language it uses is symptoms. The gift of perimenopause is the reminder that after years of caring for everyone around us, we need to come home to our bodies, pay attention to our symptoms and nourish ourselves deeply with dense nutrition so we can reduce our daily symptoms, manage our weight in hormonal change and build health in our bodies for a vibrant next chapter in life.

You’ve tried every “quick fix” you can think of.

❌ All the yoyo diets
❌ The doctor’s visits
❌ Keto
❌ Paleo
❌ Noom
❌ Even HRT, which may have helped you for a while and then didn’t…

...and the list goes on with cooling sheets, online supplements, diet books, layered dressing, anti-wrinkle creams and menopause tea!

Everywhere you turn, you seem to find the same intensely dissatisfying answer:
“You’re just getting older. This is what’s supposed to happen.” “You should expect to feel this way at your age!” “This is just part of being a woman.”

Or the worst advice you can give to a midlife woman: “You need to eat less and exercise more.”

But I call BS! You can feel energized and vibrant at midlife and get the tools you need to manage your symptoms!

Midlife is actually the perfect time of life to prioritize health and listen to your body

Just a few short years ago, I really believed my vibrant and energized life as I knew it may be over; I felt achy, frumpy and exhausted. I couldn’t shake the feeling that my body was betraying me and falling apart— A strong voice inside me shouted NO! I did not believe this story that I should feel like shit in menopause. I wanted to know exactly what was happening inside my body…every scientific detail and I wanted to show up for myself, make positive change and feel better EVERY DAY!

That’s when I really started questioning what society says women should be feeling and experiencing at midlife—and instead started asking: 


What if I leveraged menopause to unlearn diet culture, fueled my body with nutrient dense food and created a whole new relationship with my body?

What if I used everything I know about nutrition to lovingly nurture my body and reduced uncomfortable menopausal symptoms?


What if my moody hormonal shifts and rage allowed me to identify my desires at midlife, get to know myself better and create and create an active and joyous next chapter?

“You have continued to emphasize throughout the course, this is not just a nutrition course but it is about self-care and the way we treat ourselves.”


From barely able to get off the couch—to living an active, joy-filled life on my own terms!

Hi, I’m Louise:

Hi, I’m Louise: a Certified holistic nutrition consultant committed to helping women over 40 take back control of their health, so they can Reduce Menopausal symptoms and enjoy midlife as the healthiest, happiest possible version of themselves.

My holistic nutrition journey started at 46 when I hit a wall with my own health.

What was wrong with me? Blah!!!! I just felt exhausted all of the time, like my muscles were weak and low energy. I had tearful emotional dips (what the heck am I doing with my life?!?!?), weight gain all around my middle and a hump on my back, insomnia that looked like wide awake at 3am, and for several months… I also gaslit myself!

“All just a natural part of getting older” I reasoned. I can PUSH THROUGH!

But no matter how much coffee I guzzled… No matter how many catnaps I snuck at the weekend and on the sofa in the evening … I was losing my ability to keep up with my crazy busy life, my exercise and my evening taxi driving job for my kids. The worst part? The joy had been totally sucked out of my life and I felt overwhelmed and angry about the effort needed for things like weekends away and late night parties.

Too exhausted by my Zumba class, drained and depressed, I felt overwhelmed daily, lost confidence and loathed my body and began to wonder why my body had turned on me.

In your forties your to-do list is a mile long. You have all the plates spinning for your growing kids, your aging parents and your job. I volunteered, I was the chef, cleaner and family taxi driver and I put myself and my health at the bottom of my to do list.

Something Needed to Change but I had Never Heard the Word Perimenopause, Knew Another Diet Would not Help and Did not Know Where to Turn for Information or Advice.

I had no idea who to ask about my laundry list of aches, pains, and health complaints… But I knew I couldn’t just sit back and let my body fall apart. Like many other women, I took my wide-ranging list of random symptoms to the doctor.

My doctor gave me the worst advice you can give an exhausted midlife woman):
Eat Less and Exercise More.

I trusted the man in the white coat and I was willing to give that a shot—but I already traded breakfast for a Venti skinny Latte and ate salad for lunch!  I’d spent most of my adult life hopping on and off the fad dieting hamster wheel and each time I gained more weight! In a desperate attempt to figure out what the heck was going on with my body, my hormones, and my energy, I took matters into my own hands and enrolled in nutrition school.

Nutrition school absolutely blew my mind. Everything I thought I knew about “eating healthy” was completely and utterly wrong!

Mind Blown, I learned my diet and restriction tricks were making me gain weight! That women’s bodies need good protein, healthy FAT and nutritional support at midlife to reduce stress, manage midlife hormones and release weight.

In your hormonal change EVERYTHING changes. Menopause Is a metabolic event for our bodies that effects our heart, brain, bone and metabolic health and diet and restriction just do not work. If I wanted to start feeling more energetic, maintain my ideal weight and ditch the hot flashes for good…

...I would need to go far beyond just counting calories and working out. 

I started to listen to my body, symptoms are information from the body and I started to learn what my symptoms were telling me about my health. I had to start thinking of food and nutrition and support for my body as I passed through menopause and I needed to CHANGE my food choices to adjust for the metabolic changes that come with hormonal change. Weight gain at midlife was not inevitable and I had the power in my hands and on my plate to manage my health in menopause.

After spending years taking care of my family, I began to put me first, to eat , exercise and rest to nourish my midlife body. It was finally Mamas time!
Within weeks I felt like a completely different person.

✨ My energy bounced back! I could get through my busy days feeling vibrant and energized and I got back into working out.

✨ My Body started to change shape and I had a waistline!

✨ I slept like a baby through the night for the first time in years and woke RESTED!!!!

✨ My hot flashes subsided, and I was aware of my triggers … (for me it was sugar and caffeine)

✨ My I lost my brain fog, felt more balanced and my confidence returned.

For the first time in years, I felt like ME again—not the tired, depressed and overwhelmed me who I realized dragged her way through life since turning 40…

But the stronger, clear thinking, younger me who laughed more easily and said YES! more often.

The fact is that food and nutrition have power.
We are what we eat! Perimenopause is a reminder to take care of our health, we have the choice to lean into the natural change and reclaim our lives after focusing on others for decades or prioritizing our thinness over our strength!

Many of us enter our forties with baggage and shame around our bodies, a big fear of ageing in a patriarchal and ageist society and nutritional deficiencies from the Standard American Diet, all of which worsen our symptoms of menopause and exacerbate emerging health issues.
When we learn how to love our bodies, support healthy hormones (even in hormonal change) and deeply nourish our bodies with dense nutrition, we begin building health in the body and actively start to improve our health and vibrancy ready for the next chapter in life.

Now, I’m on a mission to help other women over 40 learn what it really takes to understand their bodies and changing hormones, to feed themselves nutritionally dense food and to begin to build vibrant health ready for the next chapter in life.

You have the intelligence and you deserve the information you need to understand what is happening to your body and the power to feed yourself right…you just need guidance, support and science-based information.

No matter where you’re starting with your personal health, YOU deserve to look and feel your best throughout your 40s, 50s, 60s, and well beyond! This is not you against your body at midlife, but you supporting your body through hormonal change.

Your body is waiting!
Ready to get started? Let’s dig in!

Midlife Shouldn’t Feel Like Your Body Is
Raging A Battle Against You.


Menopause U

An online downloadable nutrition course for Midlife Women that will take you from feeling exhausted and at war with your body to back in control and confident in your ability to support your most vibrant health, whether you take HRT or not.

“My stress levels used to be ‘off the charts’ and at some point (in the course) I kind of took (my power back) and thought, I can’t control everything and let my stress go. I don’t feel like ( my stress) is risking my health like it was before” Rachel

Learn How To Holistically Support Your Body Through Hormonal Change So You Can...

⚡️Naturally ramp up your everyday energy and joy

🍎 Maintain your ideal weight and metabolic health throughout midlife and beyond

😌 Fall asleep faster & wake each morning feeling rested

✨ Nourish your body to be free of nutritional deficiencies and cravings

...and much more!

💥 Understand and reduce your uncomfortable menopausal symptoms

🙅🏻‍♀️ Understand how to care for your body and build health and vitality for the next chapter


What's Inside Menopause U?

An Online Community of Like-minded Women Offering Intensive Support In Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes To Help Midlife Women Understand & Manage Their Health and Hormones, Through Holistic, Nutrition-Based Strategies

You will not be alone. This is a safe and private online space, and we will all learn together…


Fun Fact: The more positive you feel towards the process menopause in general, the easier it will be on your body because your body hears everything your minds says

Menopause U will provide you with Menopause Mastermind, a video explaining clearly and in detail the exact hormonal changes occurring in perimenopause and the symptoms you will feel associated with those changes. This information is gold, and you will understand completely what happens to your body in menopause as is your right as a woman.

Menopause U will explain in detail and clear understandable language exactly what is happening to the health of your body at midlife. You will understand the impact of hormonal change on your metabolic, heart, brain and bone health.

Menopause U will explain how you can build health using food and nutrition in each system of the body so you can identify what foods you need in your diet from symptoms you feel daily and learn what to eat to age with vitality and grace.

You will have access to your own personal nutritionist available 24/7 by email. I’ll be happy to answer your personal questions within 48 hours and there will be a Weekly Q&A call via Zoom.

Menopause U will offer science based tools and strategies to help you manage your uncomfortable hormonal symptoms so that within weeks you will begin to feel more focussed, energized and comfortable in your body. These lifestyle strategies will help you to prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes and build health at any age.

Menopause U will offer mindset practices that help you bust stress, build self-love and confidence, identify the health you want for future you. We will actively take a swipe at body shame, anxiety and depression using food and mindset work, every module so you can build the midlife mindset and habits that work for you.

Menopause U will give you 5 nutrient-dense recipes per module to boost midlife health and reduce hormonal symptoms so you can easily make quick and delicious recipes that build health, rather than tearing your health down. All recipes are simple and designed to fit into a busy schedule. The more you cook, the better you’ll feel.


12-Module Menopause U Curriculum

Demystify your health, one module at a time. Together, we’ll talk through each major system of the body and each major component of health at midlife, so you can understand exactly what’s going with all those crazy menopausal symptoms—and start eating strategically to feel your best throughout your 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond.

Module 1
Mastering the Mindset for Vibrant Midlife Health
In your first module in Menopause U we’ll do important mindset work to prepare for your upcoming transformation. We’ll talk about the importance of choosing yourself first and creating boundaries and work together to visualize your personal health goals and a new approach to aging.

Module 2
Calming & Soothing Digestion
Digestion is the root of our health. There is no point in eating healthy foods to support your body if you are not digesting and absorbing that nutrition. In module 2, we’ll talk about strategies for healing your digestive system and eliminating bloat, so you can start feeling lighter and brighter.

Module 3
Climb Off the Sugar Roller Coaster
Balancing blood sugar levels daily is the fastest way to reduce your symptoms of menopause, prevent weight gain at midlife and protect your heart and brain health! Module 3 is dedicated to breaking the sugar addiction most women have, even if they don’t know it.

Module 4
Stop the Hormone Frenzy
Women are no strangers to hormones… but during midlife, our hormones can go on an absolute rampage. In Module 4, you’ll learn how to use food and dense nutrition that clear excess hormone and gently mimic estrogen in our bodies to nourish your body, balance your hormones, and feel more like your old self again.

Module 5
Get Energized
One of the biggest challenges facing women over 40 is depleted energy. Chronic fatigue makes it hard to get up and do anything—much less enjoy doing it. Module 5 is focused on elevating your mood, boosting your energy levels, and kickstarting weight loss by fueling your metabolism & supporting your thyroid with delicious, nutrient-dense food.

Module 6
Adrenal Health

Our adrenal glands are primed to drip feed us with estrogen AFTER our ovaries rest. so If your adrenal health is poor, you are jumping off a hormonal cliff at midlife. In Module 6, you’ll learn the nutrition you need to banish overwhelm, exhaustion and uncomfortable menopausal symptoms by supporting your adrenal health, for sustained energy, increased libido, and more…

Module 7
Take a Breath and Evaluate your Progress
Menopause U isn’t just about learning how to eat… It’s about taking action and seeing positive change in your lifestyle! That’s why Module 7 is solely committed to implementing everything you learn in the first half of this program—so you can see results quickly and start feeling more like yourself! We Talk about self-sabotage, set goals and follow through.

Module 8
Sleep & Anxiety

Great sleep is linked to weight loss, long-term brain and mental health, and daily happiness. In Module 8, I’ll share foods that are proven to support a good night’s sleep, and we will reset our sleep hygiene so you can wake up feeling refreshed, calm, and ready to face the day every day

Module 9
The Heart-Brain Connection

Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death for women and women are disproportionately effected by dementia and Alzheimers disease. Nutrition which supports heart health, benefits our brain and vice versa. In Module 9, you’ll learn how to eat to support brain health, prevent cardiovascular disease, and promote healthy cognitive function as you age.

Module 10
Eating for Healthy Bones and Joints

Maintaining bone health after menopause is a major concern for midlife women. As estrogen depletes, our bone health becomes vulnerable, but we are not powerless. Aging doesn’t have to come with a laundry list of aches and pains! Learn to maintain strength and bone flexibility as you age through thoughtful & nutritious food choices.

Module 11
Putting Out the Inflammatory Fire
Inflammation is the root cause of many chronic diseases and emerging health issues in midlife. In our second to last module together, you’ll learn how to use nutrition to decrease inflammation and prevent chronic disease in the next chapter.

Module 12
Bring it All Together

Your body is a complex group of individual systems that all work together to support you! In Module 12, we focus on bringing everything we’ve learned together. You’ll learn how to create your own seasonal diet for optimal health so that you can look forward to many healthful, joyful years ahead.


Menopause u Workbook

Your curriculum comes with 13 downloadable booklets, packed with science-based information, nutrition tips and encouragement so you understand the biology of exactly what is happening inside your body in hormonal change and how you can best eat, move and think to support your body. Each module covers a different body system so you learn how your hormones are connected to every area of your health and can take a holistic approach to building energy, and long term health in your body. Each module contains 3 suggested action steps to work on so you rapidly start to feel more like your old vibrant self again.

Symptoms Shopping List

Each Module contains a symptoms shopping list. This list of symptoms helps you to fully understand your midlife body and ‘learn’ the language your body is speaking to you all of the time. By looking at the list and identifying what you feel daily in your body you are able to know where you need to place your focus with your diet and nutrition. The symptoms shopping list is a guide for you to ‘return’ fully back into your body at midlife, to ‘listen in’ and to view your symptoms as the information you need to care for yourself with nutrition and lifestyle. By attuning to your body with self-compassion, you can end the ‘war’ you are in with your body.

Menopause U Coaching Materials

Each module comes with a downloadable booklet, packed with mindset and coaching materials to help you to unpack diet culture and patriarchy and to form a new healthy relationship with food so you can deeply nourish your body back to health and heal your self-image and confidence.

Menopause u Workbook

You will receive a recipe packet with each module . Each recipe packet contains 5 delicious, easy and carefully developed recipes to support your health in the area explained in the module. These recipes are the key to making dramatic changes to your health. You can literally eat yourself back to full vibrant health and eat yourself out of health risks such as cardiovascular disease, poor sleep and inflammation! You will be eating to protect your longterm future health. You will always see the prompt to make a recipe in the action steps for each module as eating dense nutrition is the backbone and root to full wellbeing running through this course.

Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls on Zoom(60 Minutes)

During the calls, we’ll…

  • Chat about the body system highlighted in the curriculum & answer any questions that come up

  • Work through a coaching exercise to overcome limiting beliefs, deprogram socialized beliefs around aging, work through mindset blocks, and more.

  • Talk recipes! and learn how you can easily support your body with delicious, nutritious meals.

Private Community Access

You’ll be invited to join the private Menopause U Facebook community—an exclusive virtual group for women over 40 who’ve committed to getting serious about their health. This community is a profound source of support, accountability, and wisdom. Connect with other women from similar walks of life, support your peers on their health journeys, and rest assured that our whole community is cheering you on every step of the way!

In peri-menopause and menopause, you deserve to…

...Be fully educated and understand the impact of the changes going on in your body.

…Have the tools and information you need to understand your symptoms so you can end the war with your body.

…Get the nutritional advice you need to know how to feed your body in midlife and beyond.

…Transform from feeling helpless and broken to feeling empowered by the positive impact you can make on your health using just the food you eat daily.

...Feel fully supported, connected and seen in a community of women who get it. Whenever women meet in community, it positively impacts our health! Find your coven!

…learn easy to implement, science based strategies to care for your body and lose feelings of powerlessness, hopelessness and of being in a battle with your body.

...Embrace midlife with confidence knowing that you know your body best and you have the ability to fully nourish and support your body back to health.

… Live your life with abundant joy, peace, enthusiasm, & health!


The Key for Women To Take Control Of Their Health At Midlife—Using 100% Holistic, Nutrition-Based Strategies!

I met with a dietician associated with my family doctor’s office and was deeply disappointed by the advice she gave. …and left me feeling empty. Knowing your passion and with the science behind it, I want to dive deep!
— C Miller (alumni Midlife Nutritional Makeover)
  • 13-Module Menopause U Course Curriculum

  • 12 x Menopause U Coaching Workbooks

  • 12 x Symptoms Shopping Lists

  • 12 x Recipe Packets

  • Bi-Weekly 60-Minute Coaching Calls

  • Private Menopause U Community and
    24/7 email support



Two Easy, Accessible Payment Options


$1997 CAD


3 Monthly Payments of $670 CAD



Menopause U is perfect for you if…

✅ You’re a woman at or near midlife (around 40-65) who feels helpless and overwhelmed by your menopause symptoms and feeling at war with your body

✅ You’re ready to get serious about your health & you believe holistic nutrition could be your key to a happier, fuller life

✅ You’re committed to making significant change in your eating habits and lifestyle and have a strong desire to build health for the future

✅ You know you are what you eat and love the idea of using natural methods as your first choice to support your body through midlife. You may or may not take HRT

This program is not for you if…

⚠️ You’re not a person dealing with perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms or other health issues related to energy or aging

⚠️ You’re under 40 or over 65. You deserve to be healthy and happy too, but a different program would be more appropriate!

⚠️ You’re not willing to create boundaries, change the way you eat or change your lifestyle. Transformation starts with your willingness to make change.

⚠️ You’re not willing to create the time and or boundaries to put yourself and your health first. This program will be all about focusing on YOU and you need to be able to commit to prioritizing yourself



Frequently Asked Questions.
To access the answer, click on the + sign or question.

+ when does the program start and end?

Menopause U is a downloadable digital course that you can work through in your own time.

+ What if I can’t make the live calls?

You’ll get the most out of this program by attending the live calls, because this is where we’ll be doing a significant amount of the mindset work, community building, and education to support your new lifestyle changes. It is where you get to ask questions and share your progress All calls will be recorded and a replay will be available

+ Is this a weight loss program?

No! This program is focused on holistic strategies to support your health at midlife. However weight loss is often a side effect of improved nutrition and wellness. Weight loss is not the focus in this program although we do address metabolic health. There will be no weighing of food and we reject the patriarchal grip of diet and restriction culture. We aim to shore up nutritional deficiencies, reduce menopausal symptoms and boost energy. If you’re currently carrying more weight is healthy for your body , you are likely to naturally release some of that weight as your wellness improves.

+ I’ve already tried Paleo, Keto, Noom, & even naturopathy. How is this different?

I teach a strategy of listening in to your body and nurturing your body with nourishing food and nutrition. I view the body as 100% holistic, and we are not trying to fix one part of you. We are supporting your body through hormonal change it is 100% mindset and food-based, and not attached to scale-related goals. Menopause U is not about hitting a particular number on the scale, fitting into a certain size, or supplementing your body based on current perceived deficiencies. Rather, it’s about learning to eat to support whole-body health at midlife, regulate hormones, boost energy, and achieve more all-around health and happiness.

+ I have diabetes, thyroid issues, or another health issue. Can I complete this program?

Absolutely. Women with a wide range of physical and mental health issues have had success using the principles taught in the Menopause U because this isn’t a diet—it’s simply a method of eating strategically and intuitively to support your body through holistic nutrition. That being said, I do recommend that anyone who’s currently taking medication (for example, insulin or thyroid meds) consult with their health professional before starting a healthy eating program and make plans to check in with their doctor throughout the program.

+ I have a history of binging, purging, anorexia, or another eating disorder. Is this appropriate?

It can be. In this program, we learn to fall in love with food again and treat it as fuel to build our healthiest bodies. We also work towards intuitive eating, so you can maintain good health without having to count calories or track every bite. Sadly ,most women have a history of disordered eating from a different chapter in their lives and Menopause U can help you to understand and unlearn these behaviors once and for all. Women who are currently exhibiting these patterns would benefit from working with a therapist or psychologist.

+ What kinds of foods will we be eating? What if I can’t find/afford the recipes?

The recipes I teach are designed to be easily accessible, affordable, and in many cases, customizable. We use simple, easy-to-attain foods, many of which are extremely budget friendly. You can learn to eat well no matter your grocery budget! I encourage you to try new foods throughout the program.

+ I’m too busy to cook every day. How much time will this take?

Menopause U is designed for busy, exhausted midlife women! Most of the recipes I recommend are simple to throw together and make in bulk ahead of time. No need to spend hours in the kitchen each day or to cook separate meals from your family

+ You mentioned “nutrition school” a few times, but what exactly are your credentials?

Great question! I trained at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in 2013 and graduated with Honors. I’ve also done extensive continued education regarding the microbiome, women’s brain health, depression, and much more. I am trauma informed.

+ Do you provide any guarantees or refunds?

I’m not able to provide refunds or guarantee specific results. As with any health-related program, your results will directly correlate to the amount of time and effort you put into this program. What I can guarantee is that I’ll be here to support you every step of the way for a full 12 months and that your success in achieving your health goals will be my top priority during this time. I am available by email 24/7 and will be holding energetic space for you to take action and change habits.

+ What if I have other questions you haven’t answered?

I’m happy to chat with you! Please send an email to louise@louisecarrnutrition.com and I’ll be happy to answer your outstanding questions or meet with you for a free 30 minute chat to see if we are a good fit to work together.

We can’t stop time & we can’t stave off menopause forever.

But we CAN support our bodies, learn what our body is going through, and take action to feel as good as possible through perimenopause, menopause, & beyond.

Join Menopause U & get a natural, sustainable approach to mitigating menopause symptoms, releasing excess weight, & restoring your energy…

...So you can stop ‘getting through the day’ and start living your life with renewed joy and vivacity!




The Key For Women To Take Control Of Their Health At Midlife—Using 100% Holistic, Nutrition-Based Strategies!

  • 12-Module Menopause U Course Curriculum with explanatory videos

  • 12-Modules of Coaching Material Workbooks with explanatory video to support you in making change

  • Menopause Mastermind training - The information you need to understand what is happening to your body in hormonal change

  • 12 Recipe packets with delicious and easy to prepare dishes that support midliufe womens health

  • Symptoms Shopping Lists for each module so you can understand the language your body is speaking and why

  • Weekly Call where you can get your questions answered and can get additional advice and coaching when you need it

  • Private Menopause U  Community
    24/7 email support

Two Easy, Accessible Payment Options


3 Monthly Payments of $670 CAD


$1997 CAD